Removing Risk When Developing a Digital Product

6 Do’s and Don’ts to Remove Risk for Digital Products Modern Logic hosted an interactive discussion on Thursday, May 12th, Removing Risk When Developing Your Digital Products. We thank our partners who joined in the discussion: Lighter Capital’s Caitlin Goetze, MESA’s Todd Krautkremer, Kent Lillemoe, Beta’s Tiffany Singroy, as well as our own team members as they talked about ways to avoid risk. Removing risk saves precious money and time, allowing you to pursue your priorities and use your resources wisely. Our team shares their top Do’s and Don’ts for risk in digital product development. DO: Bet on the Right Debt “Debt isn’t bad,” our CEO, Dustin Bruzenak explains. “Debt can be good if you accelerate with that debt, and that’s especially true of technical debt.” It’s not a matter of if, but when you’ll make that bet. DON’T: Bet on New Tech Tried and true saves you money in the long run. Dustin explains, “Founders often have preconceived ideas about technology that we need to deprogram a little bit from a business perspective.” For example, technical co-founders sometimes [...]